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About Stellar Books...

Stellar Books is an Altrincham based self-publishing business run by Patricia C Byron.  


Patricia, who had written the bones of her book, Last Orders, in 2006 for a friend who was terminally ill, had published it in 2010 with little agenda other than to assist the public in an area where few had ventured. Her mission was to raise awareness of a much neglected subject.  


After tireless marketing, the book sold out and went to reprint within three months having sold thousands of copies. In spite of the difficulty of the subject matter, Last Orders is now an Amazon bestseller and a stock item at Waterstone's. This relative success and acclaim has paved the way for it currently being used by top tier law firms as well as financial advisors, estate planners, tax advisors and those members of the public who wish to get their affairs in order. It also thrust Patricia into the world of publishing.


With a proven track record, it wasn't long before other authors contacted her for assistance, in either marketing or publishing their book. It has been a steep learning curve but nothing that the ex-VIP/corporate cabin crew manager, with a background in sales and marketing, couldn't master.


Patricia takes a holistic view to publishing recognising that for some, their book is the culmination of many years of work and a lifetime milestone. It is, therefore, important to get it right. Many of the books she has published have been deeply held personal ambitions for the authors. It is this level of commitment and passion to the project that Patricia enjoys.


The Stellar brand also has released a couple of CDs one of which is the CD Kitty Byron Plays...  The much loved and popular pianist left a musical legacy of recordings of her days as a professional pianist. Patricia arranged for the recordings to be digitally remastered and produced the CD. Kitty Byron was Patricia's mother.


Stellar Books is based in Cheshire. Besides assisting authors,  Patricia writes articles for LAWSKILLS, a law-based website, about end of life issues from a lay perspective. 



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